Our Falahians begin to stir their wings by a learning programme, which is well designed to balance formal and informal education. Our tiny tots grow in various directions. Their interest is kindled by large number of different stimuli provided by the hands on" methodology formulated by us.

*Children get together to celebrate events through a multitude of curricular and curricular programs, which provide opportunities to each child to soar higher.

*Al Falah seeks to create individuals who are physically healthy, intellectual stimulated, emotionally balanced and spiritually conscious members of the society. This aim is achieved by classifying the broad range of human abilities according to the theory of Multiple Intelligence ‘which serves as a template in constructing strategies for students’ success.

*To increase awareness tiny tots of Al Falah are engaged in several projects throughout the year in a fulfilled and unique manner.

* "Smart Class" technology has been adopted with group discussions for children , workshop for parents, field visits and life skill activities, which are integral part of learning at our school.